Thursday, August 4, 2016

Introduction and Procedure Poster

Bulk metallic glasses are amorphous solids that are created using metallic elements. The word “bulk” is simply used to refer to good glass-forming ability. A pure glass is a solid that bypasses crystallization, which means it has no structure whatsoever. Even the slightest bit of crystallization (in other words, order in the atomic arrangement) disrupts the purity of a glass. Crystallization is defined as the point at which the crystalline volume fraction within the melt reaches some small but finite value.
This suppression of crystallization in order to form a glass is equivalent to the formation of a super-cooled liquid. This research examines the distances between particles that share forces in a super cooled liquid in order to construct a neighbor list.

First, one needs to create a code that constructs a neighbour list, keeping the temperature constant (NVT). This code needs to be run in a compute node in one of the Yale HPC clusters. Along with this code, scripts containing source code need to be run in the clusters to create the necessary files for the code. The output data should be directed into a folder so that it is successfully stored.

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