Thursday, June 16, 2016

A Beginners Guide to Nanotechnology

            Nanotechnology promises to be the next technological revolution. It will be cleaner, cheaper, and have more flexible manufacturing capabilities than anywhere in the world today. Nanotechnology means many things to many different people. It not only provides assistance to medical science, but to engineers and manufacturers. Nanotechnology is nothing new. If we look at the world around us, nature works at the most basis level is measurement, the nanoscale. Life as we know it is made up of tiny cells that dictate our every move. 
           Today scientists are studying molecular technology to manipulate specific atoms and use molecules to build things. Using a Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM), which uses a sharp top to push atoms around, it will allow the ability to pick and place individual atoms and molecules to create things with ease. Nanotechnology factories will forever be change the way factories are able to build things with little or no change economically and cleanly. Not only making cleaning products, but much smaller ones as well. Medical science will be able to creat devices small enough to enter the body's bloodstream to repair damage and treat diseases at the cellular level.

1 comment:

  1. April,

    From what you've written, nanotechnology seems beneficial, but what exactly are some of the effects of nanotechnology? You explained that it would be cleaner, cheaper, and have more flexible manufacturing capabilities, but how exactly would that impact the world? What are some applications for nanotechnology?

